Ranger Awards
It is the intent of the Rocky Mountain Ranger Association to recognize the achievements of rangers within the region. When rangers perform their duties in a manner that exceeds the highest standards, RMRA recognizes such outstanding conduct with official awards. The awards program strives to establish uniformity and consistency in the issuance of awards and assures proper recognition of ranger professionals.
To nominate a ranger for an award, please fill out the nomination form below in its entirety. Award selections will be made annually at the Colorado Open Space Alliance annual conference. Award recipients do not need to be present to receive reward recognition.
*You must be a RMRA member to nominate someone for an award. The recipient of the award does not have to be an RMRA member.
*The deadline for submissions is September 12th, 2021.
Valor Award
Presented to a ranger, or group of rangers, who displayed extreme courage while consciously facing imminent peril.
Distinguished Service Award
Acknowledges a ranger’s, or group of rangers’, outstanding/above and beyond contributions to the ranger profession and/or the community in which they serve. This can be done through innovative work, special projects, environmental education, programming, community involvement, or promoting diversity within the ranger profession. The award may also be for actions of a nature which bring unusual credit or benefit to the ranger profession.
Life Saving Award
Presented to a ranger, or group of rangers, who save the life of another person using exceptional or extraordinary actions.
Previous Award Winners
Tabitha Minsky - City of Boulder
Life Saving Award
Nathan Adams - City and County of Denver
Distinguished Service Award
KJ Glover - Jefferson County
Distinguished Service Award
Sully Tun-Ake – Boulder County
Distinguished Service Award
Mike Bowman – City of Colorado Springs
Distinguished Service Award
Drew Sprafke – City of Lakewood - Distinguished Service Award
Chelsea Wilson – City of Aurora - Distinguished Service Award
Not pictured:
Maddison Peddy – City of Colorado Springs - Distinguished Service Award
Dan Hammond
Life Saving Award
Sam Kilburn
Valor Award
Scott Wilkey
Valor Award
Lindsay Gillis
Distinguished Service Award